Sunday, September 17, 2006
gah... dreams. last night was rather strange, since i dreamt of home: definitely a rare event. most likely coz my bro's flying off to the UK today, lucky him. i dreamt of ruby too, the barking, eccentric and possibly slightly mad dog i used to have (past tense noted). woof. the dog was running in and out of the house compound as the gates swung open and shut (the old gates: white and swinging. now it's black and automatic)... hrmmm. - R.I.P Ruby 198? to 200? - (sorry, cant remember) in three hours time, i'm going to sit for an aptitude test thingie that is supposed to determine if i get accepted into Petronas. spent the night fiddling with fyp, followed by futurama episodes (omg leela was a *spoiler deleted*!!!!), the most recent house md (omg house was *spoiler deleted*!!!!), and a mamak session. in other news! the geniuses in charge of the campus have added even more bumps to the roads, and we STILL have to take the longggg way round to get to the car park due to some complex traffic restrictions. which means everyone's fuel consumption has just gone up several percentage points. and yesterday was malaysia day! independence day for my home state. passed with minimal fanfare. as always.
Monday, September 11, 2006
binary coded decimals
the one week break starts today... bro's msn status says 6 days, so i'm assuming that's how many days before he is whisked off to the UK. i currently have 5 seasons of futurama and x-men sitting on my hard disk, just in case. my final year project is in the final stages of completion, and i'm going to do my best to finish it off. my microp lab is in pieces in front of me, but it'll be done soon.need... to... rest... more...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
random image taken from google images: eeyore! (hi hikki, heehaw) i have racked up an impressive sleep debt. in the last 72 hours, i successfully completed 22 episodes of Prison Break, with a total sleeping time of (approximately) 11 hours. for most of today, my eyeballs went on strike (how naughty!) and refused to work properly. and i had a migraine for several hours. ahaks. moral of the story: Prison Break is a good series, though a bit gruesome. and addictive.the sweet smell of a one week break is in the air... AH! and i have a test 2moro at nine, which i haven't read for! probably should start looking for the notes after this, ahaks. on the air: jay's new songs. queerly enough, they sound eeriely similar to his previous songs. still worth a listen though... although i must admit, im really tempted to remove some of the new songs off the list, due to their stratospheric annoying-nimity ratings.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i have two wacky friends, and they have a wacky saying: "some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue." and it's quite true, if you think about it.i woke up late, and rushed assignments... only to find out that it's due on friday, not today. and the microcontroller experiment (which was quite tricky to squeeze into my, erm, hectic timetable) was pushed back to after the mid semester break. yes! and the lab session for cvid was spent turning aaron into a dark skinned version of himself, at his request... -_-"then had a 17-lap swimming session, followed by a nice meal at kfc. it doesnt get any more pigeony than this. oh yes, and it's tomato's birthday! had a celebration for the guy in v5 cafe, where he was assaulted with toothpaste-flavoured toothpaste. and tong stripped again. for no reason.and now, if you'll excuse me, i have a dota game to tend to. ahaks.p/s won the game. and the person ignoring me finally talked, a bit. *blink*
Monday, September 04, 2006
that was another wasted weekend. notable achievements:- moved up to blacklist #3 in need for speed. hurrah.- played another 4 games of dota with the korea guys (and gal). won 1. hurrah.- persuaded carol to tunnel into utp's mirc server. hurrah.- slept a lot. ate several times at mamak.total productivity: 0%. oh well~song of the day: Gary Cao - Xiao Wo Ben. side note: when translated to english, chinese songs sound quite silly. like a sad attempt at poetry.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
i am a special sort of procrastinator. if something needs to be done that i'm not interested in, then it gets dragged on forever.... like the epilogue. heehee. and the dozens of half-completed games sitting on my hard disks. and probably some other stuff i've forgotten about. and my final year project needs my attention soon. :p k... must.... spend... weekend... doing... work. i think most of the trouble comes from the fact that i get totally absorbed in something for some time... and then i get distracted by something else. like a kitten. meow. and ironically, i've always seen fickle-mindedness as a girly thing, hehe.* * * * *went pasar malam, again. in small towns like tronoh, i think it's some kind of Social Highlight of the Week. it's quite interesting: like a super mini version of the sunday market back home. the burger's quite nice, and we usually stop by the 'buns, dumplings, sausages and other assorted food' stall, with one eye closed to the uncertain hygiene.mid-semester break is a week from now, and i've got some tests coming up, i think. not sure when... gotta ask chen, haha. and yes, i still don't have a copy of this semester's time table... copied it once, then used the other side of the page to doodle some superheroes during a particularly boring lecture. then i threw it away. WHOOPS.in other news, i think i'm turning into an atheist. although i hope i dont get struck by lightning for saying that.
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