(it's all just words, but if i have a thousand of them you may pretend they form a picture.)


Thursday, September 07, 2006


random image taken from google images: eeyore! (hi hikki, heehaw)

i have racked up an impressive sleep debt. in the last 72 hours, i successfully completed 22 episodes of Prison Break, with a total sleeping time of (approximately) 11 hours. for most of today, my eyeballs went on strike (how naughty!) and refused to work properly. and i had a migraine for several hours. ahaks. moral of the story: Prison Break is a good series, though a bit gruesome. and addictive.

the sweet smell of a one week break is in the air... AH! and i have a test 2moro at nine, which i haven't read for! probably should start looking for the notes after this, ahaks.

on the air: jay's new songs. queerly enough, they sound eeriely similar to his previous songs. still worth a listen though... although i must admit, im really tempted to remove some of the new songs off the list, due to their stratospheric annoying-nimity ratings.


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