(it's all just words, but if i have a thousand of them you may pretend they form a picture.)


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


i have two wacky friends, and they have a wacky saying: "some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue." and it's quite true, if you think about it.

i woke up late, and rushed assignments... only to find out that it's due on friday, not today. and the microcontroller experiment (which was quite tricky to squeeze into my, erm, hectic timetable) was pushed back to after the mid semester break. yes! and the lab session for cvid was spent turning aaron into a dark skinned version of himself, at his request... -_-"

then had a 17-lap swimming session, followed by a nice meal at kfc. it doesnt get any more pigeony than this. oh yes, and it's tomato's birthday! had a celebration for the guy in v5 cafe, where he was assaulted with toothpaste-flavoured toothpaste. and tong stripped again. for no reason.

and now, if you'll excuse me, i have a dota game to tend to. ahaks.

p/s won the game. and the person ignoring me finally talked, a bit. *blink*


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