Making a Game: Post #1

Yeah i know, it looks damn primitive. But hey, it's a hobbyist project! Randomly generated content that should appeal to guys and gals! (<-- haha) no working title yet, but that's coz that'll be the last thing to worry about.
Completed (and semicompleted) features:
- Inventory System, Basic AI (realllyyy basic), Basic Combat System, Persistent Rooms, Room Content Generation Functions, Item/Object/Character Interaction functions, Dialogue functions.
Most of what's left is.. the game design itself. Onwards!!!
after a looong time of not posting...the 1st thing u update abt is on games -__-
looking forward to play the game, for real ;)
*koff koff* EH-P-LOGG
wow sim.. u r making game.. using what?
epilogue.. later :P one day! haha.
who's the other person? it's done using flash+actionscript... a lot of scripting done in text editors. dunno, hopefully it can be finished one day.. :)
Good on ya mate! Writing a computer game is one of the biggest pleasures in life! Especially when you see others actually enjoying your game. (I used to write games:
I think I remember your friends playing your games in the house, right?
And thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, Sim. Keep visiting. Your blog's pretty cool too. Funny and casual.
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